Live USD to SAR Exchange Rates


Wholesale exchange rate updated

US Dollar to Saudi Arabian Riyal (USD/SAR) Exchange Rate Table

Where to buy Saudi Arabian Riyal at a great exchange rate

Buying currency online can often be the best way to get your foreign currency, but it does take a few days. Heading into a money changer in the city is a better option for larger amounts over $5,000 or if you need to get it last minute.

Alternatively, you can take your US dollars with you and convert it overseas.

How to order foreign currency online

Like most things, you can buy Saudi Arabian Riyal online. It's fairly easy and you can pick it up at the airport, a post office, or a store near you.

Our tips:

  • Pay by BPAY and avoid credit or debit card surcharges
  • Sometimes you can get a better rate if you order over $2,000
  • Check for any promo codes to improve your rate


Oscar Murray
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Last updated
September 18th, 2020